Greetings. My name is Bobby Tequila and I am the Killer of Zombies. A survivor from the forlorn streets from my hometown. I watch with heavy heart how the hoards of people try to devour and judge one another thinking that allowing themselves to fall victim to the strategies of destructive influenes is the proper way to live. Looking at them as they rot and follow down that path with their decomposing corpses, they don't think twice how or about to carry on with themselves. Real simple, instead of reacting to society, I make society react to me. Slay or be slayed. Oh yeah, make sure you bring an axe.

Monday, May 8, 2017

5 Ways To Keep Down The Undead

     So its another mid May evening in 2017 and all the undead and still walking the streets. The stench of rot is in the air and all I want to do is make our city streets of San Antonio clean again, but in order to do that, the question everyone is asking is how do we kill those already dead?
     It really doesn't matter now what part of the world you live in. The undead's disease to corrupt our lifestyle has been a thorn at our side for awhile. I am a survivor just like you, but I am not in a hide-away camp, and nor I am slave to those whom have some sort of dictator complex. I am fighter, and if you are just as savage as me, then this is why the answer I have for will to get rid of the undead once for all will make a difference to you. I want you to be the one to say you made it on your own.
     Yes, there is traditional ways to kill a zombie, but really I ask, is he or it finally dead? We know they rise from the dead, but how many times can they do that? The bottom line is if you really want to get rid of the disease, you must be creative and savage at the same time. Walk through a mine-field of sort where there is no clue to where is the next safe step. So put on your best combat boots and bring a machete because here we will walk through fire and back just to get an understanding of the 5 ways to keep the down the undead from coming back. Are you ready?
     I bet you are wondering why should you lend yourself to listen to me and debate it. Well, its all great idea until you find out there is a zombie chomping on your knee caps. We all lost loves one here and if we don't do anything now, this zombie apocalypse isn't gonna go away anytime soon. Slay or be slayed is my moto. To be a survivor, you must know how to survive and there is no time for the feely-touchy.
     My name is Bobby Tequila. I am the King of Savages and the Killer of Zombies. I've seen and met plenty of people who found there way only to eaten by the rot 3 days later. I know you have questions, but this you must understand. Questions are for those who are looking for the answer. I want you to be the one creating answer and wait for no one. I want you to break away from your limitations and be a leader like me, or be a follower like the undead. The choice is yours.
     Tomorrow, I hope to meet you. Tomorrow, I hope to feast among friends and celebrate our victory over the undead, and with that hope, it leads me here today. Like, I said, yes, there is many ways to kill a zombie, but in a chaos, I am finding time to reach out to you with this notice. Here I lay a foundation with 5 different ways to keep the undead from coming back. Here is the way we can be united in our efforts to bring a better tomorrow. Take these notes and make it doctrine in your part of the world. Soon mankind will rise again.

1. A kill for a kill. Use your machete or even a makeshift guillotine. Use force by all means, and create that unwanted smile from ear to ear right on their color bone. Peirce their neck with no remorse with a sharpened blade. It's fast, and easy. By far, DECAPITATION is a guaranteed way to watch them suffer.
2. So maybe you are at the local magazine distributor warehouse. Open those doors and lure the undead in. Find yourself the red button and its history for the undead as they fall into the SHREDDER. Blood and guts everywhere, but the undead will be no more for sure.
3. Of course the morgue happens to be unlocked. Yes, the undead find it home there, but that can also be the place where the undead is reduced into ashes. Find the crematory, and then set your trap. Use gasoline if need be, but be certain, destroy them by FIRE is the way to go.
4. Another way to make sure you survive is making sure you are skilled in hand-to-hand combat. In such scenarios its hard to get a win over the zombie only by fighting, but if picked up a knife or a gun, or some sharp weapon, be ready to attack. Take a deep breath and make that one shot count. Its a guaranteed kill if you get a FATAL PUNCTURE TO THEIR BRAIN CAVAITY. They will drop like a bag of bones.
5. And for those top assassin that you want to be, and if by chance you get your hands on some high end incendiary devices. You will absolutely set the scenery full of guts on the wall. Maybe its a grenade or a dynamite stick, EXPLOSIVES will get their attention.

     Well, there you have it. Slay or be slayed. If you find your way to reading this notice, take these suggestions to heart. Like I said, tomorrow can be a good day for us if we start taking back what is ours now. I do not want to live on a road going nowhere if you are not there. Keep your head up. I promise, we will meet soon. For now, carry your machete everywhere you go. Reach me on my page where other survivors catch up to the ongoing of reality in this zombie apocholypse. Leave your messages there and soon we will rise together.

Thank you. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

And So A Zombie Tweets

     Slay or be slayed. That pretty much says it all. I'm not one for self pity or self doubt. I know when the job needs to get done, the only real person I can depend is me. So here I am, the one and only, King of Savages and the Killer of Zombies in the flesh. Plain and simple, my name is Bobby Tequila and I am the proud creator of this so called cosplay world, the KoZ. 
     Of course, my setting of this world is in and during a zombie apocalypse. I create characters and scenarios of suspense, and survival. Its a mix match of writing, graphic art, 3d art, and imagination. I take the inner guts of social media and build an outer shell infrastructure from it in blogging and making connections. Then there is a political parallel parody of real time events that end having a double meaning within what I created. Its a must read to keep up with all the tension and comparisons. Sometimes one voice can make a difference.
     The real me, well I reside in Texas. I grew up in poverty only to continue makes strides to never live that life again. But at the same time, I do not want to follow the norm or the social pressures of they say the norm is. In turn, I do not want to be a zombie.
     My happiest memory in childhood was a painting I made in 2nd grade and then I received a honorable mention letter in the 4th grade for it, even though by then I was already in a different school. What makes this relevant is that the idea of creating has been a part of me my entire life. I am not a professional what-so-ever in art or drawing or writing or painting, but for the life of me, I will make sure I always invest in creating when I am doing it. Pottery, dancing, piano, hell just about every art field you can name, I have dabbled in it.
     Now we are in mid May of 2017 and with no shame I find myself reading zombie this and zombie that, on different platforms and it fascinates me. I go back to my poetry and screenplays, I tell myself that I do relate to some of the content I am reading from others. So I figure why not create a world for my material.
     Circling back to my moto, if I don't do it for me, no one else would. Slay or be slayed. At the end, its all about making an impression on you. So if you like zombies and want to be part of a creative twitter account, I am leaving this link for you to take hold of. Everything I do is all connected. Find out how by surviving. See you there.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Just For The Taste Of It

     My name is Bobby Tequila and I am a fighter just like you. We are now well into May 2017, and with every day that passes, I take a shot of tequila to get me by. Living in a world of uncertainty, America is still standing strong, and it should be. With that said, our time is now.
     We have a new president, war is on doorsteps, and with a constant ache on our shoulders, I am sure just like the way it is my life, that media is in your everyday lives by trying to keep up with the ongoing overseas hiccups, and to that, it is said that news is fake. What kind of world do we live in today?
     Yes, I am for a no-bull business man running our country versus a shady corrupted politician, but for the sake of wanting to live, I did not agree to having a nuclear war threat ringing in my ears. Yes, I am worried, but on the other hand, maybe it is better than being in country standing in idle as other countries slaughter their own. There is no excuse to poisoning your own children. If you use chemical weapons, be ready for the consequences. I am glad our president is bringing the pain to those deserving of it.
     I guess some people do not realize that the children we have today are our future. It doesn't matter if you are in Egypt, North Korea, Mexico or Australia; if we are not united in bringing this world together, it will end up tearing itself apart.
     We have already seen untold deaths in terrorism. We have seen death in worldly events such as tsunamis and disease. As a whole, we already have too much on our plate as a people trying to survive the next outbreak of some kind of war, and then you want add the fact that maybe in the Pacific or Atlantic ocean somewhere, there is a nuclear submarine aiming at our backyards.

3d art created in Daz Studio by Bobby Tequila

     Talk about being a zombie, all you care about is devouring and destroying the values of others. You have no clue of what really is at stake here. You say its power and dignity. You say its to be rich and in control. I ask, why is so damn important to make people as a whole your slaves?
     And then, we as a people again, all we do is watch the media telling us the so and so happened again and now we must abide to it. Yes, there is ignorant people that do no know any better, but when it comes to you, as you read this, as you wake up tomorrow and just happen to catch the latest news, or even go to work and talk about the latest run in the NBA championships....this is what makes you a zombie.
     I do not want to wake up next week mid-day and then all of sudden its a nuclear breakout, NBA championship or not, its not gonna matter by then. If the news is fake and we as people watch it, consume and live it to the point we do nothing but listen, then we have failed as mankind. All I am saying is the time to make a difference is now. Demand the best from others and demand the best from yourself. I promise, if we fight off those that destroy our values, the value producer in mankind will rise. Lets get the taste of death out of our mouths and find out what the meaning of life really is. Together we can make a change.

     I also have a zombie genre Facebook group I want you to be a part of.  Let's make a connection, and thank you again. Stay cool.