Greetings. My name is Bobby Tequila and I am the Killer of Zombies. A survivor from the forlorn streets from my hometown. I watch with heavy heart how the hoards of people try to devour and judge one another thinking that allowing themselves to fall victim to the strategies of destructive influenes is the proper way to live. Looking at them as they rot and follow down that path with their decomposing corpses, they don't think twice how or about to carry on with themselves. Real simple, instead of reacting to society, I make society react to me. Slay or be slayed. Oh yeah, make sure you bring an axe.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Memory Of Our Future

     With a simple pen, I will stab the zombie in the eye, and in the this act of protecting both my rights to live, as well as my rights to be the person I am meant to be, against the value destroyers that drain the life of mankind, I begin to wonder why is it acceptable for the rest mankind to surrender. It is a tragedy how what people perceive as the norm is in in fact a programmed limitation.
     From birth, think about it, a select few in society puts on their masks as false gods and control the media, control the education system, control the politicians, and they also control the entire commerce collective. With this power, they distribute, expose, and delegate what information they deem relative to keep an unconscious society under them.
     In turn, society watches life happen, and they have no say so to make a difference. Well, they do have a say, but the practiced norm is they think they don't. Even after one belief system falls, another belief system takes it's place, and the same practice to keep a society uneducated continues to be the belief system's main focus, and all the people can do is pray because that is what society tells them to do.
     The business structure to the family structure, its all the same and the similarities are profound. In ancient Greece, the commoners were not taught to read. I ask you, what happened to those Greek elite? In ancient Egypt, if you did not volunteer for the greater good of the Gods, you and like many others were enslaved to build the pyramids. What happened to those people? Why would prayer to what you think is a god even make a difference? Other powers that tried to suppress people's mind did not survive this practice, so why would it work now?
     Another parallel you can relate to is the idea of visualizing the pope visiting a city and waving a dignified hope to everybody in his parade of followers, as if there is no other answer. This visual is an equivalent to a pharaoh carried on his thrown back in the day. Plain and simple, the mistakes of yesteryear is the guidance for a better tomorrow.    
     I can not be follower of a value destroyer, when I know there is a better world out there. Instead of the under educated using weapons to victimize the innocent, I'd rather see a unified force of people celebrating freedom to overcome with the use of a pen. Instead of an education system just teaching people to think, I'd rather see a system that teaches people HOW TO THINK. Imagine all the cures that can be invented. Where as when geniuses try to take a step for the better, it is the governments push them back down. Go figure.
     I am no prophet, but trust me when I say this, I can feel, and it hurts. I've seen people by the hundreds with no clue of ever knowing that this world is hungry. The future can be anything we built it to be. One try, I ask you. Instead of limiting yourself to see only one isolated perception, the cloudy programs of what you were taught, I'd rather see you grasping the infinite possibilities of conception when you know everything is connected, and still you are capable of teaching yourselves more. You too can change this world. If you lack the courage to understand, this is the message that will give you the strength. I want you to be the protector of you.
     Or.....you can fall into a dismal shadow of what you could be and envy others for the rest of your life. A continuous suffering and the act of allowing it to happen is what a zombie does, they just decompose until they rot away. You are so much better. All that aside, lets bring this post to a close. Sweet as can be, my memory of the future is of you being aware. I hope you see what I see.

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