Greetings. My name is Bobby Tequila and I am the Killer of Zombies. A survivor from the forlorn streets from my hometown. I watch with heavy heart how the hoards of people try to devour and judge one another thinking that allowing themselves to fall victim to the strategies of destructive influenes is the proper way to live. Looking at them as they rot and follow down that path with their decomposing corpses, they don't think twice how or about to carry on with themselves. Real simple, instead of reacting to society, I make society react to me. Slay or be slayed. Oh yeah, make sure you bring an axe.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day One of the Nightmare

     I can smell the stale of blood in the air. I ease my way from the shadows and step into the open ruins and a hammer is in my hand. The beating of my heart races like a fly trapped in the spaces between the curtains and the glass of a window, buzzing and trying to escape. You know the answer is there in plain sight, but the norms of what society deems acceptable keeps its pressure over you. One worry after another, should I lower myself to their level? Should I follow in suit with them and become a mindless soul? No. I made my decision. I'd rather keep my pride as opposed to being one with the idea of being manipulated.
     People have a purpose here. I really don't think living on welfare is a destiny. I really don't think living in poverty is a destiny. Headlines of war with the neighbors in foreign countries is broadcasted on a daily bases, and still, society wakes up as if nothing wrong happened the day before. I look at them, and they trot in their unconscious state, open arms trying to grasp onto realities of what they think they need, like hungry succubae, and looking at them, they are wide awake with no clue.
     They go to work. They make that dollar for dollar trying to live that 9 to 5. The sick get sicker and the rich get richer. What kind of life is that? For every fist a man drives into the dirt, trying to build his home, working for a living, he gets kicked down into the dirt by the same people he voted for to put them in office. And guess what? I don't remember those politicians working for the dime as hard as the man in the dirt trying to put food on the table.
     So follow me here. The judge becomes mayor. The mayor has a son. The mayor in office signs on changing tax procedures, helping himself get a better payroll, since it's the taxpayers paying him to stay in office and on top of that, his son is getting ready to college up and study law. This tuition is paid for by taxpayers just the same, but no one thinks about that. The son graduates and now he is judge. Oh my, he becomes a mayor, and the kicker....he has a son. The circle goes on for decades and we continue in our mindless so called responsibilities to put them in office, and with no clue, we work that 9 to 5. Wow!
     Okay, lets be real. I'm not opposed to government. I'm just an advocate for creating happiness and producing values for the benefits of mankind itself. When and if it can be done, rise mankind rise, and break away from the chains that keep you down. Look around you one day and see how people are just doing the same thing everyday and accepting the same thing everyday. All I recommend is to get that hammer from your toolbox and pound away at those locks strapped to your ankles. Take a deep breath and realize what is out there. Day One of the Nightmare is here and its time to wake up.


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