Greetings. My name is Bobby Tequila and I am the Killer of Zombies. A survivor from the forlorn streets from my hometown. I watch with heavy heart how the hoards of people try to devour and judge one another thinking that allowing themselves to fall victim to the strategies of destructive influenes is the proper way to live. Looking at them as they rot and follow down that path with their decomposing corpses, they don't think twice how or about to carry on with themselves. Real simple, instead of reacting to society, I make society react to me. Slay or be slayed. Oh yeah, make sure you bring an axe.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Memory Of Our Future

     With a simple pen, I will stab the zombie in the eye, and in the this act of protecting both my rights to live, as well as my rights to be the person I am meant to be, against the value destroyers that drain the life of mankind, I begin to wonder why is it acceptable for the rest mankind to surrender. It is a tragedy how what people perceive as the norm is in in fact a programmed limitation.
     From birth, think about it, a select few in society puts on their masks as false gods and control the media, control the education system, control the politicians, and they also control the entire commerce collective. With this power, they distribute, expose, and delegate what information they deem relative to keep an unconscious society under them.
     In turn, society watches life happen, and they have no say so to make a difference. Well, they do have a say, but the practiced norm is they think they don't. Even after one belief system falls, another belief system takes it's place, and the same practice to keep a society uneducated continues to be the belief system's main focus, and all the people can do is pray because that is what society tells them to do.
     The business structure to the family structure, its all the same and the similarities are profound. In ancient Greece, the commoners were not taught to read. I ask you, what happened to those Greek elite? In ancient Egypt, if you did not volunteer for the greater good of the Gods, you and like many others were enslaved to build the pyramids. What happened to those people? Why would prayer to what you think is a god even make a difference? Other powers that tried to suppress people's mind did not survive this practice, so why would it work now?
     Another parallel you can relate to is the idea of visualizing the pope visiting a city and waving a dignified hope to everybody in his parade of followers, as if there is no other answer. This visual is an equivalent to a pharaoh carried on his thrown back in the day. Plain and simple, the mistakes of yesteryear is the guidance for a better tomorrow.    
     I can not be follower of a value destroyer, when I know there is a better world out there. Instead of the under educated using weapons to victimize the innocent, I'd rather see a unified force of people celebrating freedom to overcome with the use of a pen. Instead of an education system just teaching people to think, I'd rather see a system that teaches people HOW TO THINK. Imagine all the cures that can be invented. Where as when geniuses try to take a step for the better, it is the governments push them back down. Go figure.
     I am no prophet, but trust me when I say this, I can feel, and it hurts. I've seen people by the hundreds with no clue of ever knowing that this world is hungry. The future can be anything we built it to be. One try, I ask you. Instead of limiting yourself to see only one isolated perception, the cloudy programs of what you were taught, I'd rather see you grasping the infinite possibilities of conception when you know everything is connected, and still you are capable of teaching yourselves more. You too can change this world. If you lack the courage to understand, this is the message that will give you the strength. I want you to be the protector of you.
     Or.....you can fall into a dismal shadow of what you could be and envy others for the rest of your life. A continuous suffering and the act of allowing it to happen is what a zombie does, they just decompose until they rot away. You are so much better. All that aside, lets bring this post to a close. Sweet as can be, my memory of the future is of you being aware. I hope you see what I see.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Rumors of Purple Z

It's been rumored that a plane used in drug trafficking world crashed into the Amazon rainforests of Brazil almost 2 months ago. What made this crash significant is the reality of a new meth product called the Purple Z being on board. It was a type of drug that has been the craze of late, taking over minds with a hypnotic effect twice as powerful than any product out there now. No doubt about it, just as much as it was new, the meth was lost.... until now.

The Amazon waters are filled with their own chemicals and parasites. Combined with the constant pour of flooding rains, and new forms of algae, life we aren't even aware of exists there. But What happens when a person dies in this mix soup? Add on top of that, what if you were a pilot or a passenger of the plane that crashed there? Yeah, the same plane that carried the Purple Z. Is it possible that this incident created a destiny like no other?

Well, if the rumors are true, this is the place where the dead became undead. The decomposing pilot opened his eyes when the chemicals took over his brain. This difference is swamp parasites also contributed. Yeah, the now undead pilot scavenged for days and became more powerful in strength, pulling his decomposed corpse out from under the torqued metal of the ripped plane and found his way into the small communities buried under the leafy canopy of the rainforests.

It did not take long. Patrons in the community did not survive. They either were lunch or they turned themselves into a zombie as well, after they were bitten of course. Blood, gore, terror, horror, it was all a given when the pilot entered the mudded streets. The citizens did not have a chance. In conclusion, the plague of rising undead took over.

Now look at our world today. Mankind is fighting for itself. One major city after next. One continent after the next. There is no difference in color. This is not about religions or politicians. This is not about race, gender, or relationship preferences. This is not even prejudice to age. Everyone and everything living is all liable to be victimized by this parasite. If you are not a survivor, all I can do is dedicate this blog to your voice. But, if you are fighter, I can only ask to hold your ground. Be a leader, and if you can carry your weapon with you, even when you sleep, do it with class. Be aware, the zombies are out there and they will not care to take away your happiness. Fortify your place in this world and let those value destroyers know that they are not welcomed here anymore.

We all have a purpose here. I am glad you found some time to read this informative and creative view embedded in a survival mode issues while dealing with a zombie apocalypse. Yeah, it might be cosplay, but if you read between the lines, there is more at stake here. I just want to make the experience fun here. If you find it enjoying, a comment or a follow will be appreciated. Everyday, I will take note of parallel real-time events and who knows, I will maybe show you how that destruction could have been avoided. If mankind is gonna rise over the zombies in our society, it begins with you.  


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Walk Like A Zombie

     I'm just thinking about the perfect time to swing my blade and decapitate some zombie heads. Just keeping up with genre, I want to shed some light on this zombie ritual that comes to mind. That's right, the annual San Antonio Zombie Walk is up to hit the calendars soon, and with the popularity growing from year to year, the turn out is expected to be an over-run of walking cosplay corpses on the Alamo city downtown streets. Last year, the cosplay undead made their appearance, true and consistent to their other past events since 2007, typically on the Sunday weekend before the Halloween holiday.
     Yeah, we are months away until anything Halloween, but the subject of zombies is a daily matter. As far as the Zombie Walk event, I myself usually end up clocking in some hours at work and I miss it altogether, however this year, I want to make the change. It would be nice to put some zombies back into the grave.
     Let's be real. Zombies are the trend to be a part of. It's a fascination in the mind's of plenty, I am sure, and the idea of cosplay with an event dedicated to it, well that speaks for itself when the hoards are at the fences. Modeled after similar events that take place in other major cites across our nation, The San Antonio Zombie Walk is a hungry monster in itself. Imagine the gore in real-time. Why would the killer of zombies not be there? 
     Let's talk about the event here in San Antonio. Our unique culture creates a different kind of signature. Imagine mariachi zombies, undead dogs, ripped attire, sugar skulls, and all are in agreement to meet at the Tower of the Americas to show off their best undead side. You can meet undead nurses to zombified bartenders. DYI blood creators, and DYI make-up specialists will judge you at every corner. You may even find yourself in many photo-ops, as they take place throughout on the Hemisphere Park and make their way to the hallowed grounds of the Alamo, so bring your camera phone if you want to keep up with the ongoing moments.
     Get in on the cosplay now. In 2014 alone, more than 14,000 zombies gathered, just to give you an idea of what to expect. Zombies everywhere, all moaning, acting out their best gimmick, and yes there is even a Guinness World Record to stride for. When all this action and effort is combined with our rich history in the Spanish arts, there's no doubt, you are just in awe of what the San Antonio Zombie Walk is all about, and on top of that, don't forget what the city has to offer. Oh yeah, the killer of zombies will finally find happiness when decaying flesh of those zombies hits the pavement. I will be in beast mode. So be advised, make a bookmark, keep your tabs, and get your costume ready. The night is near, and all will come to feast on brains.
     Well, I think it's time to bring this post to a close, but before I go, I would like to thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. If interested in this post, leave a comment. For starters, I will leave you this link to the official Facebook page. If you gonna attend, walk like a zombie, everybody else there will do it, so it's okay. However, when you see me.....you better run!

     I also have a zombie genre Facebook group I want you to be a part of.  Let's make a connection, and thank you again. Stay cool.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Our Mission Statement: Survival


     Wake up and there is a zombie at your door. He's dead hungry to make you his meal of the day. I'm sure you don't want to be anybody's slab of meat. Well, what about the dailies in society in general? Examples like working for the man, and serving his will as if you allowed yourself to be manipulated, are those like zombie eaters as well as they try to eat away at the very fabric of who you are? I call these type of zombies the value destroyers and everyday they live like a dead society out there following the same routines, following one another as if thinking that limiting themselves is the way to live and people are unconscious of this rut.

     My advice is grab a hammer and knock off those locks on your ankles that keep you from being who you are meant to be. Find infinite happiness by killing those zombies in your way and make yourself a home here in the KoZ society. We talk and listen. We promote and conquer. We rise and be free. If its zombie related, this is the place to find it. Of course, we will not get XXX style in here. I would like to provide a clean and respectful environment for all professionals to find comfort in. I want everyone here to work with one another, support one another, give guidance if need be, but under no circumstances be of a vulgar nature.

     Bottom line, it's a team effort. I'm sure we will find those self-promoting value destroyers in and out this group. But truth is, I'd rather see engagement amongst our fellow members and bring unification to a solid movement dedicated to bring happiness to others. Lets change the world together.

     Cosplay actors, graphic artists, bloggers, merchandise owners, designers, make-up artists, hell, all avenues related to being a zombie enthusiast are welcomed. Today is just the beginning, be free and the Killer of Zombies Society will lead the way to a better lifestyle, because that's what we do. Think about it, we slay those who try to keep us down. Join here:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day One of the Nightmare

     I can smell the stale of blood in the air. I ease my way from the shadows and step into the open ruins and a hammer is in my hand. The beating of my heart races like a fly trapped in the spaces between the curtains and the glass of a window, buzzing and trying to escape. You know the answer is there in plain sight, but the norms of what society deems acceptable keeps its pressure over you. One worry after another, should I lower myself to their level? Should I follow in suit with them and become a mindless soul? No. I made my decision. I'd rather keep my pride as opposed to being one with the idea of being manipulated.
     People have a purpose here. I really don't think living on welfare is a destiny. I really don't think living in poverty is a destiny. Headlines of war with the neighbors in foreign countries is broadcasted on a daily bases, and still, society wakes up as if nothing wrong happened the day before. I look at them, and they trot in their unconscious state, open arms trying to grasp onto realities of what they think they need, like hungry succubae, and looking at them, they are wide awake with no clue.
     They go to work. They make that dollar for dollar trying to live that 9 to 5. The sick get sicker and the rich get richer. What kind of life is that? For every fist a man drives into the dirt, trying to build his home, working for a living, he gets kicked down into the dirt by the same people he voted for to put them in office. And guess what? I don't remember those politicians working for the dime as hard as the man in the dirt trying to put food on the table.
     So follow me here. The judge becomes mayor. The mayor has a son. The mayor in office signs on changing tax procedures, helping himself get a better payroll, since it's the taxpayers paying him to stay in office and on top of that, his son is getting ready to college up and study law. This tuition is paid for by taxpayers just the same, but no one thinks about that. The son graduates and now he is judge. Oh my, he becomes a mayor, and the kicker....he has a son. The circle goes on for decades and we continue in our mindless so called responsibilities to put them in office, and with no clue, we work that 9 to 5. Wow!
     Okay, lets be real. I'm not opposed to government. I'm just an advocate for creating happiness and producing values for the benefits of mankind itself. When and if it can be done, rise mankind rise, and break away from the chains that keep you down. Look around you one day and see how people are just doing the same thing everyday and accepting the same thing everyday. All I recommend is to get that hammer from your toolbox and pound away at those locks strapped to your ankles. Take a deep breath and realize what is out there. Day One of the Nightmare is here and its time to wake up.